Learn all you should know about fever management.
A high temperature is a reaction to disease’s specific stimuli. The body responds by increasing its temperature to assist its defenses against specific disease mechanisms. Yet, fluctuations in the body temperature can also be caused by reasons other than those relating to disease.
The precise measurement of the body temperature is of greatest medical significance. It permits illnesses to be diagnosed at an early stage, their course to be monitored, and the efficiency of prescribed therapies to be assessed.
Microlife thermometers are quality products incorporating the latest technology and tested in accordance with international standards. Maximum precision and accuracy of measurements are achieved through the use of microcomputer technology. The instruments perform a self-test every time they are switched on to always guarantee the specified accuracy of measurements.
Microlife thermometers have been tested for biocompatibility in order to guarantee the absolute harmless application of the thermometers for the user. All the materials of applied parts in Microlife thermometers are biocompatible in compliance with ISO10993.
In the last years, Microlife has invested tremendous energy and efforts in developing and introducing technologically advanced, pioneering products for temperature monitoring. This has been done by continuously testing and improving the technologies.
In cooperation with the «Spital Dornbirn» (Dornbirn hospital) in Austria several studies have been conducted in the pediatric medical unit proving the reliability, accuracy, and easy handling of the new and improved ear thermometer, forehead non contact thermometer and dual mode thermometer (ear + forehead).
The target group was composed of children between 0.5 and 18 years. The reference thermometer for all studies was Braun Thermoscan (professional model for hospital).The studies were performed by the graduate pediatric nurse Manuela Ortner who is enthusiastic about the Microlife innovations: «I never thought that a non-invasive temperature measurement as performed with the Microlife forehead or non contact thermometer could achieve such accurate results! I am really positive about these products. We use them in our hospital and even recommend them to patients.»
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