AC (Ante Cibum) and PC (Post Cibum) meal markers provide more details on the test results of your blood glucose before and after meals. Testing your blood glucose both before and after meals, allows you to see how that meal affects your blood glucose levels and
helps you to understand which meals may be best for your blood glucose control.
During the day, levels tend to be at their lowest just before meals. Recommended blood glucose value is 80–130 mg/dL for before meal.
And the peak value less than 180mg/dL 2 hours after eating.1The most powerful influence on blood glucose levels comes from food. Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, the peak blood glucose levels are often likely to occur around two hours after a meal. The advantage of testing in so-called "pairs" of before and after meals, is that you can see how much your sugar levels have gone up (or even down) between meals.
1American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee; 6. Glycemic Targets: Standards
of Medical Care in Diabetes—2022. Diabetes Care 1 January 2022; 45 (Supplement_1): S83–S96.
“Wide HCT range” is the volume percentage of red blood cells in blood, also known as packed cell volume (PCV). The haematocrit is a known interference of blood glucose testing. Glucose meters are calibrated to provide accurate readings within a normal physiological range of values. Lower than normal HCT values result in overestimation of laboratory glucose levels when glucose strip methods are used, whereas HCT values higher than normal result in underestimates of laboratory values2.
Blood glucose monitoring system with haematocrit correction technology improves accuracy of blood glucose testing.
2Pfützner, A., Schipper, C., Ramljak, S., Flacke, F., Sieber, J., Forst, T., & Musholt, P. B. (2013).
Determination of Hematocrit Interference in Blood Samples Derived from Patients with Different Blood
Glucose Concentrations. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology.
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